According to Forbes, we make a decision to trust someone within 100 milliseconds of seeing their face. That is an incredibly short time to make a good first impression! And let’s face, in today’s world, a huge portion of our interactions are no longer at a shop front, but instead online. That could be on your own website, social media, LinkdIn or any number of third party websites or listings. This is where a great headshot comes in. This can lead to a lasting impression of warmth, professionalism and trust. This can be the make or break on whether someone books with you or buys your product.
Now I know what everyone thinks about headshots, they can be stiff and formal and might not even look like you. That is definitely true of many traditional headshots but it doesn’t mean that’s what you need to get.
I am a big believer in coming as you are and photographs should reflect what you look like and who you are. Your best version of yourself, absolutely. Wear what you would wear if you were going to meet your ideal client, employer or collaborator. Equally, your makeup should reflect your norm. For some that is super glam, others more down to earth and natural. Ideally this will reflect your brand and speak to your ideal client. Because guess what, when people are in the research phase of their buying journey, they will check out your about page and it is increasingly important to know who you are buying from. Especially for SMEs. You don’t have a fraction of the budget of a huge corporation.
This is where being a small business can be more beneficial. YOU are a massive part of your own brand. You are often what distinguishes your business from your competitors. So give your ideal clients an insight into your why and how of business. What is your inspiration? Show us your craft. People love seeing all of this. You will be the reason people book or buy, and you will be the reason they will come back. Forget about the traditional headshot, they may still have their place in some corporate fields but I believe that is even changing. If you are a business owner or self-employed, you need to think of it as personal branding because that is what it is.